Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Children Available for Sponsorship

     Since my earlier post in March listing the Bukasa children available for sponsorships, Jane has been sponsored and Joshua has been added. He wasn't included originally because his files were sent in a different format. All the issues are now settled.
Jane Kabasita- age 6, Sponsored!
     If you are interested in sponsoring any one of them please contact me and I would be glad to walk through the simple steps with you. Each monthly donations of $40 supplies the student with tuition, food, uniform, and school supplies. Project Love International will provide you with a year-end receipt.  All donations are tax-deductible.  Thanks in advance for considering this opportunity.  I look forward to hearing from you.

Bashir Mugerwa- age 8
Tumwebaze Namala- age7
Josire Bwire- age 4
Joshua Muwanguzi- age 8
Below is the latest note from Pastor George.  I think you will find it interesting and informative.  He and his board are weighing the options of using current funds to purchase less expensive land outside the community on which to build a new school, or to continue improvements to the existing school.  Either decision has its pros and cons.  Please pray for them as they determine what is best short term/long term. Thanks.

Dear Jaja Boggy,
greetings to to you in the name of our lord Jesus Christ , how are you and how is your ministry & family doing plus all our friends and supporters hope you all do well in Jesus name.
I wanted to let you know that i received the money you sent me, and you told me to work on the improvement on the school but i was suggesting that if we can keep this money until we get the money to buy that behind house were we can build the other two classes and the kitchen. this house is the one behind our church near our current kitchen it can accommodate two big classrooms and the kitchen.
the owner of the house needs to sell it to us and this will be very good to us to build and expand as the city have commanded us, because they told us that comes next term if we don't have the kitchen we will not open the school.
This first term has to end on 3rd May 2013 and the next term has to begin on 3rd Jun 2013. So the city has given us that period to finish up  the kitchen, if were to open up in next term, so we need your prayers we need Gods provision on this issue.
This house is costing $8000, now here is where i need your advise should i keep the $1000 you sent me what can i do?.

NB: There is also a land  which is good, for the school and the hospital play ground  plus every thing we want to do, because it is 5 Acres and it is outside of the Kampala city  it like 35-40 km from Kampala.
you remember when you were here, Big Ron brought an idea that we get land out of the city ,in which we can have enough space for the school, so the land is there and it is cheap
because they want to pay $15000 in all these five Acres, which is as they sell lands these days: this land is cheap, so think about it and let us pray about it we need Gods provision.

I have also attached Joshua photo which you told me about.
Jaja Bobby I want to thank you & all our friends and supporter  from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for all that you do to us, you have done a lot for our community,  and may the lord who sees reword you for that amen.
your brother in the lord Jesus Christ Pastor Kisolo George
serving Jesus together.