Our success wouldn't have been possible without our small but mighty band of volunteers who donated items, helped set up on Fri., were available to help meet/greet/sell items on Sat., who loaded and transported goods, and who pitched in to clean up. My thanks to Dusty Sawyer, Jeanette and Jim Miller, Laurie Kelly Weber, Tim and R'deen Phillips, my wife Deanne, and especially Teri Kenyon (who hosted the garage sale at her house in spite of her husband's medical proceedure the day before, and who donated a garage full of items for the event!). Thank you for your labor of love to support Ever Increasing Children's Center, Bukasa Village. I appreciate your time, talent, enthusiasm, hands and feet made available to God's service.
The last bit of good news is that our first 5 students of EICC have all been sponsored! Your generous monthly support is a life changer for the child and the child's family. It not only provides a hope and a future for the little one, but also provides financial relief to the family that demonstrates Christ's love in a real and tangible way. A heart-felt thanks to our 5 sponsors!