-inadequate latrines
-kitchen smoke entering classrooms causing poor air quality
-a solution must be provided to relieve overcrowded classrooms
During the past year Pastor George was able to purchase land near the school and build 4 new latrines which are only for student use. This satisfied one issue from the above list.
The school community is now in negotiations with a landowner to purchase their plot of land within the village and near the existing school. The house would be renovated and made into a kitchen. And there is room enough to construct two additional classrooms. The land price is $8,000 USD. The cost of labor/materials is $6,000. Total = $14,000.
Students of Ever Increasing Children's Center |
Mail support checks to:
Project Love International
5855 Topanga Canyon
Suite 400
Woodland Hills, CA
Write "Bukasa" on the memo line.
Land: $8,000
4000 bricks @ 11.2 cents each $450
Roofing timbers (100) $400
Load of small stones (3) $300
Load of sand (6) $200
Gravel/water $100
Bags of cement (40) $450
Nails, wire, steel rebar $800
Windows (12) @ $75 each $900
Geri cans paint (4) $140
Lighting/wiring $150
Pots, pans, cooking utensils $50
Roofing $200
Day’s wage $50 X 21 days (12 men) $1250
Total $14,000
Last Note:
Many church members of Ever Increasing Miracle Church are in need of Bibles. Do you have a Bible at home, in good condition, that you would consider donating to Bukasa Village? If so, please contact me (805-492-4020) and I will gladly come and pick up from you. I will bundle them up and send them along to Uganda with the next team that visits- perhaps in February. Many thanks in advance for your generosity, support, and prayers for those in need in Bukasa.