Tuesday, November 19, 2013

More Good News!

          I have recently been in touch with Pastor George discussing the monthly need of Ever Increasing Children's Center. In order for him to meet on-going financial obligations such as teacher/Headmistress salaries, daily meals, needed books/materials, uniforms, maintenance of property, and completing required renovations, etc., he needs about $400 pr/mo.

Greetings from the classroom window.
          Through your help and support we have been able to send 3-4 lump-sum donations per year. Howevere, because donation totals vary and frequency is intermittent, budgeting and meeting obligations is very difficult. But… here is the GOOD NEWS! The board of Project Love International has generously donated $3800 to Bukasa to help meet the school's monthly need. The above amount will be disbursed in $400 monthly increments providing steady school income into 2014. With subsequent funds from donors, and perhaps new sponsors, we hope to be able to further this monthly support. We'll also continue sending our lump-sum donations as the Lord provides.

          I'm grateful for each of you- for your prayers and financial support. I'm thankful to Project Love International for allowing us to partner with them, for their financial support, and for their heart for God and His work half a world away. Thank you for partnering with Him and Bukasa School to improve the lives of His little ones. God's hand in this work is evident.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Great News!

           We've finally received word about our grant proposal submitted in August!  I received a phone call yesterday morning informing us that we were granted $5,612 from the Kingdom Investment Foundation of Tucson.  We should receive the check sometime in December.  Once deposited the funds will be sent to Pastor George ASAP!  This amount represents about 1 and 1/2 years worth of garage sale income!! Thank you Lord, and thank you KIF! (No, that's really a prayer!)
           Of the fifteen grants submitted to KIF only five were awarded.  One grant was awarded for an orphanage in India, another to support a home for crippled children, again in India.  A third went to a feeding program for children living in a Kenya slum.  The fourth grant was awarded to Young Life Capernaum in Tucson, a high school outreach program for special needs kids and young adults.  The last grant was the one we received for Bukasa.  Ours was the second highest amount awarded.
          These funds will be put toward the purchase of property for the kitchen build out.  Future funds (another $8388 we hope to raise with your help) will be used for acquiring materials, paying for labor, and building two additional classrooms.  Pastor George's goal is to complete the project by February- the opening of a new school year.
          If you are prompted to participate in helping Pastor George reach his goal you can donate via PayPal/credit card below or donate toward our Indiegogo Campaign for Bukasa.  We have less than 25 days remaining for this Campaign.  If you haven't had a chance yet to see our campaign or read about the details, click the link below.

          We welcome any comments or questions about Bukasa Village, the school, Pastor George, etc.  Don't be shy, we'd love to hear from you.  Thanks again for your continued support.
Bob and Blythe

Monday, November 4, 2013

Response from Pastor George

After receiving our latest donation Pastor George sent the note below expressing his thanks and appreciation.  We were able to include additional funds from other generous donors so the total he received was $1333.  Thanks again for your support and contributions to this school.

Dear Jaja Bobby,
Pastor George
Greetings to you in the name of our lord Jesus Christ how is your family doing hope you all do well in Jesus name.
I want to  bring greetings from all the staffe of ever increasing childrens center they love and pray for all of you, and they thank you for your support may the lord bless you all.
I got  the funds, and we have discided to work on toilet, two more rooms, this project will cost about $800 and we are expecting to finish it on tuesday next week.
the city told us to have six roomed toilete, two rooms for the boy and two for girls two for teachers.
So we used same of the funds to pay teachers salary and  $80 that went to suzanne & sophia.
and the rest of the funds warks on toilet . we want to bring our apriciation to all our
friends and supporters to what they are  doing for us may the lord bless you all.
May him who blesses  bless you all, serving the lord together pastor kisolo George.