Monday, July 21, 2014

Home From Africa!

Prep for painting at the high school
Dear Friends and Supporters-
     We just arrived home from our two weeks in Africa.  We had a great experience with family and connecting with new and old Bukasa friends during our time there.
     God Cares Primary and High Schools, run by Pastor Dongo, was our focus the first week.  We helped with painting the fourth level hallways of the high school, photographed over 300 students so current snapshots could be sent to their sponsors, led morning chapel for 700+ students at the primary school, and encouraged and prayed with students and staff.
Painting baby class at Ever Increasing Children's Center


 The highlight of our trip was spending 5 days in Bukasa with Pastor George, his family, and his church members.  We were able to complete 3 major requests that Pastor George asked of us:

1.) we viewed/toured/painted the newly completed classrooms, kitchen, and store-room, and got a chance to hear about the future projects Pastor George has planned.  The school now accommodates baby class (age 3), middle class (age 4), top class (age 5), P-1 (age 6), and P-2 (age 7) for a total of 120 students.  His future plans include building additional classrooms so schooling can be provided for students moving into P-4, P-5, and P-6.
Touring classrrom below w/ future office above
Viewing new construction and future office

2.) we photographed all students providing a visual connection for potential sponsors. (Sponsorship funds not only provide tuition for a child but also go toward paying teacher salaries and supporting many of the monthly operational costs of the school.)
Photographing 120 Bukasa students
One tired photographer
3.) we helped facilitate an all-day micro-loan seminar for prospective entrepreneurs.  The attendees were grouped into 4 groups of 8 members, each group selecting a leader and secretary.  Two members of each group were provided loans of $100 each (with a viable business plan) for 6 months, at 9% interest.  When those members make their first monthly installment, the next member of their group receives a loan.  Each successive member is given a loan as long as all group accounts are current.  If any member is unable to repay, their fellow members provide support, encouragement, help, etc. in making the necessary payment.  Instead of collateral, personal initiative and peer pressure are the powerful catalysts used to insure success of the program.  Identical programs offered by our host organization in similar areas experience a 99% repayment record.
Discussing business plans with loan recipients  
      We would love to connect with each of you personally and share more details of our trip.  Until then, please accept this brief overview along with our sincere thanks for your continued support.  You are positively impacting lives of grateful and gracious people in ways that are almost indescribable.
     Pastor George has asked me to thank you in advance for your prayers for success of the micro-loan seminar and for the future growth of the school.

Your donations to Bukasa's Ever Increasing Children's Center are much appreciated.  If you would like to partner with us in this worthy cause please mail your support to:


You can also donate via a secure credit card transaction by clicking the "donate" button below.

Friday, July 11, 2014

On Safari!

Almost finished with our work in Bukasa- now heading for safari! God has been faithful in helping us accomplish all requests from Pastor George: photos of students for potential sponsorships, micro-loan seminar, encouraging church members, praying with families, viewing new construction, and assessing future needs. 
We had a fun day with P Geo and Margaret at Gaba. We ate fresh fish from Lake Victoria and took a boat ride. Back to Bukasa Sunday eve then fly to Dubai on Monday morning. Thanks for your prayers. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Life in Bukasa

Have now spent three days in Bukasa Village with Pastor George and his church family. These are gracious, loving, welcoming people who love God with joy and enthusiasm. We've seen all the new construction- new 
new classrooms, and the future location of Pastor George's office. I can't wait to report to you, after seeing firsthand, what your time, money and sacrifice has provided. So grateful for your prayers and support. Have three more days in Bukasa then off to Safari.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Arrived safely in Uganda

Pastor George picked us up from the airport (pictured). Have worked God Cares School the past three days. We painted at the high school, conducted chapel at the primary school, and Deanne and Lynda led women's Bible study at Pastor Dongo's church. We will be in Bukasa Village starting Saturday.  Internet access is hard to come by. Will contact you when we next can.     Thanks for your prayers and support.