Thursday, December 17, 2015

Christmas Giving-

During this time of year when end-of-year giving is so essential to many ministries, would you prayerfully consider giving to Ever Increasing Children's Center? Your donation changes lives and helps provide valuable resources. Two important programs are underway in which you can participate.

PIG PROJECT: School administrators provide 1 male and 4 female pigs to needy families within the church body. Families “pay” for the purchase price by giving the first litter back to the school after the spring birthing season. When the litter “payment” is made their comittment to the church ends and all future litters belong to the family- to raise, sell, barter, or use as their own food source. The piglets “paid” to the school are managed by a gatekeeper and, when weened, are used to bless other families. Currently 12 families have received pigs. Your $200 donation will help the school provide four pigs to one of the 30 families on the waiting list. Click the “Donate”button below and designate your giving by noting “Pig Project” during the payment process.

STUDENT SPONSORSHIPS: Monthly tuition to attend Ever Increasing Children’s Center is $40. Since a worker's average daily income in Uganda is about $2 USD, most families are unable to afford educational opportunities for their children. Your $40 monthly sponsorship provides school fees, books, materials, meals, and a portion of the teacher’s salary. A sponsorship changes the life of one child forever. If interested please contact me for photos and bios of available children (

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Garage Sale Success!

 Dear Bukasa Supporters-
        Since 2009, when we first traveled to Bukasa Village in Uganda, we have been hosting garage sales to raise funds to help support Pastor George's school.  Of the 28 that we have conducted so far we've never earned more than we did last Saturday.  If we reach between $800-$1000 we feel fortunate, so we are very grateful to report that we earned $1,307!
The goods we sell come from you: church members, Bukasa supporters, Bukasa student sponsors, neighbors, friends, and family members.  We host 3-4 garage sales per year and never lack for items- thanks to our many donating partners.  We advertise in the newspaper, on-line, and by word of mouth.  About two months before each event we put the word out to supporters and partners and they begin collecting items to donate.  
The picture below was taken Saturday, 11/14, but it typifies what takes place at every sale we have.  We often get a chance to share our mission goal, talk about the students and the village school, Pastor George and his work, etc.  The banner on the balcony is a great conversation starter.  We frequently get donations beyond the cost of the item being purchased.  By now, regular garage sale goers look for our ad in the paper.  They know we offer a wide variety of goods and at very reasonable prices.  Every dollar earned goes directly to Pastor George for his immediate need.   
Our current goal is to help Pastor George purchase an adjacent building in order to expand his school by adding two more classrooms.  The funds from this work, student sponsorships, and other gifts will go directly toward this goal.
KIF (Kingdom Investment Foundation of Tucson), thank you for being a valuable partner.  You have helped us the past two years by awarding us $5,612 in 2014 and $8,500 in 2015.  The total from these two generous grants ($14,112) would be equal to us earning our all-time best amount at 11 consecutive garage sales!  Considering we only conduct 3-4 per year, this amount represents 3-4 years of garage sale work for our support team!  We are so appreciative that with your support we have been able to shorten the timeline for Pastor George allowing him to build and expand his school much sooner than would be possible from our iheartBukasa ministry alone.  Thank you all for being the hands and feet of Christ for the children of Ever Increasing Children's Ministry. 
Many blessings to you all from our team,
Bob Rhoads

Monday, October 19, 2015

Pastor Dongo with Jesus-

     We just learned this morning that Pastor Dongo passed away late yesterday afternoon after struggling for many months with cancer.  Last year he spent long months here in the US to receive treatment for cancer originally diagnosed in his back.  While here, Dr. Pat Reiten, a long time friend and well respected local surgeon, served as his medical liaison.  He underwent surgery and follow-up treatment locally and then received further treatment at the City of Hope last winter.  He responded well and recovered here for a long period of time.  After many months of healing, he sought further recuperation with friends and supporters at his Texas God Cares support base. 
Pastor Dongo and Florence
Pastor Dongo returned home late last spring to a welcoming family and a happy church/school community.  He was feeling better and was eager to receive short-term mission teams throughout the summer.  In early fall he began experiencing pain and discomfort again.  Doctors feared his cancer had returned.  Because visa issues prevented him from returning to the US for further treatment, he and a team of doctors were currently considering the possibility of having US doctors travel to Uganda to administer treatment there.  
I was blessed to know this happy and energetic man of God.  His genuine concern for people and heart for children was an inspiration.  His vital and authentic life of faith was evidence of the life-giving grace of our Lord.  We are trusting God’s sovereign hand over Pastor Dongo, his work, the school, the children, his own family, and the ministry for the years ahead.  For the many who knew him, thank you for your prayers and support of his ministry.  Please be praying for his wife, Florence, their children, and for the many children whose lives have been changed through God Cares Schools.


More than 20 years ago Pastor George was an active member of Pastor Dongo’s church in Kampala.  In 1996 he felt God’s calling to plant a church in Bukasa village.  With Pastor Dongo’s support he moved his family into Bukasa and became the local pastor and community advocate.  In 2009 I joined a short-term mission trip to serve Pastor Dongo and his God Cares ministry.  While there we were sent to villages to pray for these young pastors and for the churches they had planted.  That’s where I met Pastor George.  
     During the past 6 years Ever Increasing Children’s Center has grown from 20 students to over 120.  The staff has increased from four members to nine.  The impact of the school on children and families is immeasurable.  Pastor George is hoping to purchase adjoining property to allow for two more classrooms.  Property cost: $7,000.  If you wish to contribute to the building fund please do so by clicking the "donate" button below.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Blessings & Need

          Thank you for your continued and loyal support of Ever Increasing Children’s Center. Many children and families are blessed by your generous support. God is at work! Pastor George relayed this update to share with you the blessings being enjoyed in Bukasa and the need that still exists.

          PG’s major focus is instituting ways to help the school become financially self sufficient. He is working toward this in these two ways:

 Pig Project:
          Twelve families now have pigs. Families on the 30-family waiting list will join the program as funds are provided. Families repay the initial $200 cost by giving the first litter to the school. The school, as well as the families, earn income by managing the herd- selling piglets, slaughtering adult pigs, etc. As long as the herd is managed efficiently, income is slow but steady.

Micro-loan Project: 
          The program began in August of 2014 with 32 people, four teams of 8 members. Repayment of the $75-$100 loan is required. If a member defaults team members must make up the difference or all will be disqualified from applying for future loans. Teamwork and interdependence is critical to success. Currently 54 people have received loans with all loans being repaid including one default, due to death of a member. With repayment of the initial loan, plus interest, funds are replenished making more loans possible. There are 70 entrepreneurs waiting to start a business that will help them earn income to support their families. 


Family Care:
          Pastor Moses, PG’s brother, passed away Feb. 2014. His wife is unemployed and has lost her mud home during a recent storm. PG has taken on the care of these 6 additional people. His meager income is provided by church members but it does not cover the cost of his own family. If God prompts your heart, we need a family to stand with Pastor Moses’ wife and five children.  As little as $50-$100 per month would help with rent, daily food, clothing, and school fees.

School Property:
           A neighboring building is available for purchase at a cost of $7000. To convert it into school use is $4000. With this property the school would expand to accommodate P4 and P5.  Would you prayerfully consider contributing funds to make this purchase possible?

Pig Project: 
          Families are needed to provide the $200 purchase price of 4 pigs for families on the waiting list.

          Thank you in advance for praying for Bukasa and for your sacrificial giving. May the Lord receive glory and praise for your faithfulness.  You can partner with us in meeting the needs above by clicking the "donate" button below.

Blessings, Bob

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Support in Prayer

In this month’s update I simply ask for your prayers for Pastor George as father, pastor, and as superintendent of Ever Increasing Children’s Center.  He faces many challenges from supporting and leading his family, to pastoring/mentoring his parishioners, to managing, directing, and supervising the operation of the school.  Also be in prayer that God would help Pastor George develop a way for the school to become self-supporting over time.  Thanks again for your continued support both in finances and in prayer.  Below is his recent letter to all of us, his loyal supporters:

Dear Jaja Bobby,
Greetings to you in the name of our lord Jesus Christ, i want to thank you, and all our friends and supporter, for your prayers and support, we have been able to complete the first term and the kids now are in their holiday, they will be coming back to school next month on 23 may 2015, so we want you to pray for us, as we are waiting for their return.
Also there is something i want to share with you, we have seen the land not very far from Kampala, its only 50km from Kampala and when we look at it we can do every thing on this land,  its Cost is $10000 and its big for the school and others things that we might want to do in future.
Send my greetings to maama Jaja Bobby we love you all and we are praying for all of you.
Your brother in Christ Jesus Pastor Kisolo George

If you would like to further partner with us in support of Ever Increasing Children's Center please send your check to:
Project Love International
5855 Topanga Canyon Blvd,
Suite 400
Woodland Hills, CA 91367-4621
Note "Bukasa" on the memo line
You can also donate using a secure credit card transaction by clicking the "donate" button below.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Upper Level Construction

Much has happened in Bukasa in the past few weeks.  As I reported in early November, we received our grant request of $8500 to help Pastor George finish the upper level classroom, office, and latrine.  Shortly after the grant came through, a property owner in the village offered his land to Pastor George for a discounted price and even proposed delayed payments.  If accepted, it meant the upper level construction would be delayed.  It also meant the purchase of neighboring buildings to expand the school would be postponed (Sept 29 blog).  

However, on such short notice, we could not accumulate funds for the down payment on the property, nor could we commit to the balloon payments required in 6 months, and again in 12 months.  Wisely, PG turned down the opportunity, and trusting God’s leading, poured his full attention into completing the upper level project.  At this point the purchase of the existing 4 buildings is also on hold until after the upper level construction.

The photos posted here represent only a few days of work.  The project should be finished (roof, plastered walls, doors, windows) for the opening of the new school year, Feb. 2nd. 
We are thankful for the Lord’s continued provision and we thank you for your continued giving and loyal support. Your generosity is impacting an entire community.  May God’s favor and blessings pour upon you in 2015.

If you would like to partner with us in support of Ever Increasing Children's Center please send your check to:
Project Love International
5855 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Ste 400
Woodland Hills, CA 91367-4621
Note "Bukasa" on the memo line

You can also donate using a secure credit card transaction by clicking the "donate" button below.