Monday, December 4, 2017


Dear Bukasa Supporters,
2nd/3rd grade students receiving shoes
Main characters in the Pig Project
     We are so appreciative of you and your generous support of Ever-Increasing Children’s Center in Bukasa Village, Uganda. Because of your faithful giving, during 2017 we have been able to provide support to Pastor George and his community in significant ways. Early in the year you contributed funds to allow expansion of the school to include grades 4 and 5. In July we sent a small team to Bukasa Village and provided shoes for 100 children, Bibles for local pastors, and donated a large quantity of basic medical supplies. In addition you provided an updated water purification system for the school, made it possible for several more needy families to enroll in the on-going Pig Project, and provided additional funds for teacher salaries.
Most recently, you responded with $4500 this fall for the treatment of 3 medical emergencies. We are happy to report that each patient is currently under professional medical care.
     As you consider charitable giving at year’s end please consider a financial gift to Ever Increasing Children’s Center. Funds donated now will help us work toward meeting the up-coming challenges of 2018, including:
*finishing the primary school through grade 7 ($15K total)
*monthly internet service to facilitate pastor training ($60-100 pr/mo)
*new Pig Project enrollees ($250 pr/fam)
*pig vaccines against swine flu, ($100 pr/yr pr/fam) 
*student sponsorships ($40 pr/mo or $480 pr/yr).

Dora and family- Pig Project participants 
       Every dollar you give will move iheartBukasa closer to helping meet the many challenges ahead.
I look forward to hearing from you by December 31. Please pray for us and our brothers and sisters in Christ in Bukasa. Blessings to you for a Merry Christmas! 
With gratitude for your partnership,
Bob Rhoads

The donate button below will take you directly to our iheartBukasa page on the World Partners website.
Construction on 5th grade classroom
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Monday, November 20, 2017

Medical Treatment Being Arranged!

Dear Bukasa Supporters-
Margaret- Pastor George's wife
Thank you all for your response to the medical needs in Bukasa Village. Because of your generous giving we have been able to send $4,500 to be used for treatment of Frankie’s hydrocele/urinary issues, Margaret’s dental work, and for removal of Esther’s ovarian cyst. Pastor George wanted me to pass along his sincere thanks and gratitude for your love and concern. 
We are thankful that God has allowed us connection and friendship with these dear people and we are so appreciative of your partnership and faithfulness.
Happy Thanksgiving,

Bob and Bukasa Team 2017

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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Medical Needs:

Dear Friends of Bukasa-
Thank you for your continued friendship and partnership with iheartBukasa. We are grateful for your generous contributions that enabled us to travel to Uganda again this summer and provide hands-on support of the students, teachers, pastors, and women of the village. 
During our time in Bukasa we became aware of a few medical needs that have since become urgent in nature: young Esther (PG’s daughter) is in need of surgery to remove an ovarian cyst; Margaret (PG’s wife) is suffering with infected teeth- so much so that her jaw is badly swollen making speaking and eating difficult; and a young boy named Frankie suffers from a urinary/kidney infection. We have recently received $2000 of the $4500 necessary to treat these conditions. Would you please consider partnering with us now to help meet these immediate needs? 
Margaret, Faith, and Donna
Thank you in advance.
Blessings to you all,

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Saturday, July 1, 2017

B u k a s a B o u n d !

In just over 24 hours we depart for Uganda! As our Bukasa Team enjoyed a meal together last night, we welcomed our 9th member, Danielle Maillard, who has participated in each team meeting, since March from northern CA, via Face Time, Skype, and audio recordings. We finally got to meet face-to-face! 

After dinner we prayed over each member, practiced songs to present to host families in the village, and discussed last minute logistics. It's hard to believe that after 6 months of planning we will soon be on our way! 

Before leaving we wanted to express our love and appreciation to you- all of our supporters. Thank you for your continued encouragement, your financial support, for sponsoring many of the students, and for your faithful prayers.

We will have limited internet access to our communication and updates will only be occasional throughout our two weeks. We look forward to sharing our adventures with you when we return.


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Monday, April 3, 2017

Garage Sale Results

Thank you all for your donated items and for your continued support of Ever Increasing Children's Center in Bukasa Village. On Saturday, April 1st, we hosted our largest and most successful garage sale yet! We are waiting to hear about the few items posted on Craig's List but so far the total sales amount to $1,655! 

I wanted to give special thanks to Jim, Charles, Anna, Marjorie, Nita, Andy, Madi, Ana, Marlene, Donna G, Donna O, Christine, and Sarah who came to help set up, sell, and clean up at days end- with a special salute to little James, who donated all proceeds from his donut/brownie booth.

       An important element in the success of our garage sale was Craig Sturges' Dodge Ram Truck! What a lifesaver! Yes, the white streak you saw flying around town was me as I drove the wheels off Thurs./Fri. collecting and delivering items from Westlake to NP. My task would have been murder in the VW bug my neighbor offered me. Glad I turned him down for a better ride. Thanks Craig!  


      With these earnings Pastor George will be able to complete the purchase of additional property to expand his school. Renovation cost ($1500) is the next hurdle to jump before his June 30th deadline.


      More news to come as we clarity the matching/supplemental gift offer we received earlier. We are grateful to you all and thankful to the Lord for His faithfulness and provision.

      If you would like to help Pastor George renovate his newly purchased property click the 'donate' button below. This link will take you directly to our World Partners page for an online contribution. Thanks in advance for your support.


Donate Here

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Great News!

We now have a working relationship with World Partners, a branch of the Missionary Church in Ft. Wayne, IN.  
Starting today sponsorship checks, donations, and contributions can be mailed to

World Partners
PO Box 9333
Ft. Wayne, IN
Please make checks payable to World Partners and write ‘UUXO1’ on the memo line.  Using WP’s accounting code for iheartBukasa assures that your donations will be  deposited into our iheartBukasa account. 
If you would prefer to donate online using a credit card, go to World Partners at Using the green ‘donate’ button you can make your contribution.  Also, if you wish, you can set up re-occuring contributions at this location.
Thank you for your patience during our period of transition.  We are grateful for your faithful giving to this ministry and for your on-going sponsorship of students.  Unfortunately, for reasons beyond our control, past records are not available so there is no way to accurately determine most recent contributions.  If you are willing to make up for missed payments, as best can be determined, we would be very grateful.  
Pastor George’s needs continue.  In satisfying a city requirement to accommodate grades K-7, he is currently mid-campaign in a new building project.  You might remember that your contributiions have recently helped him make a down payment of $5000 on an existing structure.  He needs an additional $2000 to complete the purchase and begin renovations.  Not only will this project provide two additional classrooms, bringing the school to K-5, but it will also be a show of good-faith, perhaps allowing them to remain open beyond the June deadline.  Contributions to this campaign can be made using either method listed above.  Thanks in advance for your contributions to this project.
Plans are being made for our mission trip to Bukasa Village in July.  We are assembling our team and will be booking airfare in the near future.  There is still time for you to join us!
Please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns.  I can be reached at
On behalf of Pastor George and the teachers of Ever Increasing Children’s Center, we thank you for your love and partnership.  On behalf of our team state-side, thank you again for your patience and continued support despite our accounting problems.

Thursday, February 16, 2017


        After repeated requests to the officers of PLI to clarify the status of un-cashed checks and to provide end-of-year statements, we have had no response and have terminated our association with them.  
Through a friend at church we have been put in touch with World Partners, a branch of the Missionary Church, in Ft. Wayne, IN.  They provide all necessary financial services to dozens of ministries such as ours.  After having us fill out forms and provide all necessary information the WP governing board met last week and approved our request to become a ministry partner.  Shortly, an account will be set up for iheartBukasa into which donations can be received, deposited, and receipted.  We will alert you with all necessary information as soon as everything is up and running.  
Thanks for your understanding and patience during this process. We look forward to our continued partnership and we are grateful for your continued faithful support.  Here’s to a bright 2017!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Join us for Bukasa 2017 Summer Mission, July 1-13! 
     At Pastor George’s request our activities will include presenting VBS style activities for children; providing women’s Bible study; offering pastor training; providing local language Bibles for pastors and church members; visiting classrooms, teachers, and students; praying with students and parents in their homes; distributing children’s shoes; sharing personal lessons learned from Scripture; exchanging favorite Bible passages; and presenting encouraging, Christ centered messages to groups and individuals. 
Pastor George is in the process of  purchasing a building, adjacent to Bukasa School.  His goal is to transform it into classrooms thus accommodating two additional grade levels. This will be a step toward satisfying a city requirement of expanding the school to include fourth through seventh grades.  Depending on fund raising and speed of construction, the project might be far enough along for us to be able to help finish some aspects of the renovation while we are there.
During the many activities listed above we will also be building  relationships with new acquaintances as well as renewing and enjoying old friendships.  We’ll have meals together, share the gospel, discuss family, and  compare the every-day life of our different worlds.   
Besides serving in Bukasa Village we will also spend 2 days at God Cares Schools- one day each at the primary and high school campuses. These schools were founded by Pastor Dongo, who was the pastor of Kabalagala Pentecostal Church in Kampala, from which Pastor George was commissioned to plant the church in Bukasa Village. Some of you may remember that Pastor Dongo recently passed away after a lengthy battle with cancer.  The good news is that God’s work, through Pastor Dongo’s family, continues to thrive! 
Prayerfully consider your participation in our mission trip this summer. Call or email me ( with any questions or for clarification.
Duration: 13 days
We look forward to this journey as God prepares the way ahead.