Tuesday, November 19, 2013

More Good News!

          I have recently been in touch with Pastor George discussing the monthly need of Ever Increasing Children's Center. In order for him to meet on-going financial obligations such as teacher/Headmistress salaries, daily meals, needed books/materials, uniforms, maintenance of property, and completing required renovations, etc., he needs about $400 pr/mo.

Greetings from the classroom window.
          Through your help and support we have been able to send 3-4 lump-sum donations per year. Howevere, because donation totals vary and frequency is intermittent, budgeting and meeting obligations is very difficult. But… here is the GOOD NEWS! The board of Project Love International has generously donated $3800 to Bukasa to help meet the school's monthly need. The above amount will be disbursed in $400 monthly increments providing steady school income into 2014. With subsequent funds from donors, and perhaps new sponsors, we hope to be able to further this monthly support. We'll also continue sending our lump-sum donations as the Lord provides.

          I'm grateful for each of you- for your prayers and financial support. I'm thankful to Project Love International for allowing us to partner with them, for their financial support, and for their heart for God and His work half a world away. Thank you for partnering with Him and Bukasa School to improve the lives of His little ones. God's hand in this work is evident.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Great News!

           We've finally received word about our grant proposal submitted in August!  I received a phone call yesterday morning informing us that we were granted $5,612 from the Kingdom Investment Foundation of Tucson.  We should receive the check sometime in December.  Once deposited the funds will be sent to Pastor George ASAP!  This amount represents about 1 and 1/2 years worth of garage sale income!! Thank you Lord, and thank you KIF! (No, that's really a prayer!)
           Of the fifteen grants submitted to KIF only five were awarded.  One grant was awarded for an orphanage in India, another to support a home for crippled children, again in India.  A third went to a feeding program for children living in a Kenya slum.  The fourth grant was awarded to Young Life Capernaum in Tucson, a high school outreach program for special needs kids and young adults.  The last grant was the one we received for Bukasa.  Ours was the second highest amount awarded.
          These funds will be put toward the purchase of property for the kitchen build out.  Future funds (another $8388 we hope to raise with your help) will be used for acquiring materials, paying for labor, and building two additional classrooms.  Pastor George's goal is to complete the project by February- the opening of a new school year.
          If you are prompted to participate in helping Pastor George reach his goal you can donate via PayPal/credit card below or donate toward our Indiegogo Campaign for Bukasa.  We have less than 25 days remaining for this Campaign.  If you haven't had a chance yet to see our campaign or read about the details, click the link below.

          We welcome any comments or questions about Bukasa Village, the school, Pastor George, etc.  Don't be shy, we'd love to hear from you.  Thanks again for your continued support.
Bob and Blythe

Monday, November 4, 2013

Response from Pastor George

After receiving our latest donation Pastor George sent the note below expressing his thanks and appreciation.  We were able to include additional funds from other generous donors so the total he received was $1333.  Thanks again for your support and contributions to this school.

Dear Jaja Bobby,
Pastor George
Greetings to you in the name of our lord Jesus Christ how is your family doing hope you all do well in Jesus name.
I want to  bring greetings from all the staffe of ever increasing childrens center they love and pray for all of you, and they thank you for your support may the lord bless you all.
I got  the funds, and we have discided to work on toilet, two more rooms, this project will cost about $800 and we are expecting to finish it on tuesday next week.
the city told us to have six roomed toilete, two rooms for the boy and two for girls two for teachers.
So we used same of the funds to pay teachers salary and  $80 that went to suzanne & sophia.
and the rest of the funds warks on toilet . we want to bring our apriciation to all our
friends and supporters to what they are  doing for us may the lord bless you all.
May him who blesses  bless you all, serving the lord together pastor kisolo George.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Garage Sale Success!

Successful Saturday: We finished the day Saturday by raising $935 for Pastor George!  Thank you for donating, and delivering goods, and for your prayer support.  A special thanks to Mike Norman for helping to set up on Friday, and for pitching in to break down Saturday afternoon.  Thanks too to Sophia Beccue and Ana Zepeda for being our steady sellers on Saturday morning.  Ana's Spanish skills were a special blessing to us and to our Spanish speaking customers.

Reminder:  We are into our tenth day of Indiegogo Campaign for Bukasa School.  This online donation site is a 60-day fund raising mechanism to generate funds through social media.  Please check out the site and pass the link (http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/bukasa-school-project/x/4667660?c=pledges) to friends and neighbors via email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.  A word shared about this worthy cause would be much appreciated.
Wildwood "Bucks for Bukasa" event!

Sponsorships:  We also have another five students available for sponsorship.  A commitment of $40 per month provides for student enrollment, a daily meal, books, materials, and general supplies.  Would you consider sponsoring one of these little ones?  Their profiles and photos can be found on this site in an earlier posting.  If you have any questions or would like to discuss this with me give me a call (805-492-4020).  Many thanks!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

25th Garage Sale!

Dear Bukasa Supporters-
This Saturday, October 19, 7 am-12 noon, we will be hosting our 26th garage sale to support Bukasa School!  If you have items you would like to donate contact me (805-492-4020), I'd be happy to pick up.  Would you be willing volunteer some time to help with the event?  We need help with set up on Friday, Oct 18 from 2-4 pm; volunteers to help sell on Sat morning (we provide coffee and munchies); and help at the end (noon) to clean up and stack left-over goods for pick up on Tuesday.  Any time you give is much appreciated no matter how short.
Thank you for your loyal support of this ministry over the past 4 years.  Since the beginning we have collected slightly more than $25,000- that's a lot!  Many might think that all needs are met and the school should be well on it's way to being out of "financial need".  I wish this was true!  If you pro-rate the funds over 4 years it averages out to about $520 per month.  This is almost exactly the amount needed to support the school on a monthly basis- teacher salaries, food, clean water, uniforms, books/materials, repairs, expansion, improvements, etc.  
So we continue to plug away.  Please join us in this effort once again.  I'll keep you posted on our results and overall progress.
On behalf of Bukasa School, many thanks,

P.S.  We are in the early stages of planning our trip to Uganda during the summer of 2014.  I invite you to join us (me, my wife Deanne, and daughter Blythe) comprising a team of perhaps 6-10.  Cost $3000; dates, probably late June or early July; duration 8-12 days.  As the plans firm up I will give more specific info.  Our purposes would be:
1) prepare profiles for student sponsorships (photos/family background, establishing priority list by need)
2) help stock the local pharmacy
3) organize micro-loan seminars for locals by locals
4) assess needs of community and solicit help from local Rotary to meet the need
5) spend time with adults and children


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Indiegogo Campaign!

Dear Loyal Bukasa Supporters-
Join us in our Indiegogo Campaign to raise money for Bukasa.  It's time sensitive, so we have only 60 days to reach our goal.  Please spread the word, share with friends and family.  I'll keep you posted on the results.

To read all about it, click the link below:

Here's hoping for great success!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Three Important News Items!

News item #1-
          We have five new students (3 boys, 2 girls) available for sponsorship!  Please spread the word and feel free to share this among friends and family.  Others you know may want to contribute to a worthy cause but not know how or where to donate.  An endorsement from someone they know and trust may be just the encouragement they need to participate!  Contact me at b.d.rhoads@mac.com and a sponsorship can begin right away!
Miiya Tendo - age 4
Joseph Mukisa -age 5
Odoki Simon -age 6
Arthur Sanyu =age 6
Jovia Kirungi -age 3
          Joseph, Arthur and Jovia are children of pastors serving with Pastor George at Ever Increasing Miracle Church in Bukasa.  Because of low income the pastors cannot afford school tuition.  
          Miiya and Odoki's fathers have abandoned their families.  Their mothers' small business income barely provides for basic needs.
          A great way to engage in Kingdom work is to show God's love as a child sponsor.  Thank you in advance for considering this opportunity.  
News item #2-
          We are currently working on adding an online donation button to our blog page.  A few logistical issues need to be worked out first between Project Love International and PayPal (verifying PLI's non-profit status, linking bank numbers/accounts).  After this is completed, the donation link will be active.  Donors' $40 monthly sponsorship can be paid via a PayPal account or with any major credit card.
          I'm not sure the "Donation" button will appear on email postings, such as this, but it will be on the blog site.  If it doesn't appear in future postings, go to iheartbukasa.blogspot.com.  Click "Donate" and follow the prompts.  We'll announce when the button is active- we hope it's soon.

News Item #3-
          Our next Bukasa Garage Sale will take place, in my front yard, on Saturday, October 19 from 7 am-noon at 838 Silver Cloud St. TO.  If you have goods to donate contact me at 805-492-4020 to make arrangements for pick-up or delivery.  If you are willing and able to help, we will be setting up on Friday, 10/18 from 3-5 pm.  We also need help on Saturday morning with selling, talking with people about our cause, and making contact with potential supporters.  Clean up begins Sat. at noon.  All help  is gratefully accepted.  
As always, we appreciate your support and your heart for Bukasa School.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

No School Closure Before December

          Pastor George informed me this week that the City of Kampala will allow Ever Increasing Children's Center to finish this year's term!  Closure will take effect starting in February if corrections are not made by the new year.  The city inspection in the spring of 2012 sited these violations:
     -inadequate latrines
     -kitchen smoke entering classrooms causing poor air quality
     -a solution must be provided to relieve overcrowded classrooms
During the past year Pastor George was able to purchase land near the school and build 4 new latrines which are only for student use.  This satisfied one issue from the above list.
           The school community is now in negotiations with a landowner to purchase their plot of land within the village and near the existing school.  The house would be renovated and made into a kitchen.  And there is room enough to construct two additional classrooms.  The land price is $8,000 USD.  The cost of labor/materials is $6,000.  Total = $14,000.
Students of Ever Increasing Children's Center
          Tomorrow I will be submitting a grant request to Kingdom Investment Foundation of Tucson for $10,00 to help fund this project.  If we get the grant (announced in Nov.) we will still have a $4,000 shortfall to make up.  I have included a supply list to give you an idea of what is involved.  Would you prayerfully consider making a donation or sponsoring a portion of the purchase or construction costs with a financial gift?  Every generous contribution is greatly appreciated.
Mail support checks to:
    Project Love International
    5855 Topanga Canyon
    Suite 400
    Woodland Hills, CA
Write "Bukasa" on the memo line.

Land:                                                            $8,000

4000 bricks @ 11.2 cents each                $450
Roofing timbers (100)                               $400
Load of small stones (3)                           $300
Load of sand (6)                                       $200
Gravel/water                                            $100
Bags of cement (40)                                 $450
Nails, wire, steel rebar                              $800
Windows (12) @ $75 each                       $900
Geri cans paint (4)                                   $140
Lighting/wiring                                         $150
Pots, pans, cooking utensils                      $50

Roofing                                                    $200
Day’s wage $50 X 21 days (12 men)    $1250
Total                                                   $14,000

Last Note:
Many church members of Ever Increasing Miracle Church are in need of Bibles.  Do you have a Bible at home, in good condition, that you would consider donating to Bukasa Village?  If so, please contact me (805-492-4020) and I will gladly come and pick up from you.  I will bundle them up and send them along to Uganda with the next team that visits- perhaps in February.  Many thanks in advance for your generosity,  support, and prayers for those in need in Bukasa.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Funds Raised, Students Sponsored!

          Our Bukasa garage sale event last Saturday was a huge success!  Through God's blessing and the collective hard work of those listed below, we were able to generate $1200+ to send pastor George with which to further the kitchen renovation and honor the city's requirement of facility improvements.
          Our success wouldn't have been possible without our small but mighty band of volunteers who donated items, helped set up on Fri., were available to help meet/greet/sell items on Sat., who loaded and transported goods, and who pitched in to clean up.  My thanks to Dusty Sawyer, Jeanette and Jim Miller, Laurie Kelly Weber, Tim and R'deen Phillips, my wife Deanne, and especially Teri Kenyon (who hosted the garage sale at her house in spite of her husband's medical proceedure the day before, and who donated a garage full of items for the event!).  Thank you for your labor of love to support Ever Increasing Children's Center, Bukasa Village.  I appreciate your time, talent, enthusiasm, hands and feet made available to God's service.
          The last bit of good news is that our first 5 students of EICC have all been sponsored!  Your generous monthly support is a life changer for the child and the child's family.  It not only provides a hope and a future for the little one, but also provides financial relief to the family that demonstrates Christ's love in a real and tangible way.  A heart-felt thanks to our 5 sponsors!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Garage Sale For Bukasa Saturday, July 20!

Dear Supporters-
Wish us much success on our July 20 garage sale!
          We are holding our next Bukasa garage sale on Saturday, July 20.  If you have items you would like to donate please call me (805-492-4020) for a drop off time, or schedule a time for me to swing by and pick up.  We will take any/all items except beds, mattresses, bed frames, or box springs.  (Based on our long history doing garage sales, bed items have always been notorious for NOT selling and being difficult to get rid of.)  Items that sell well are toys, clothing, tools, sports equipment, household goods, games, and electronics in working order.
The faces of children you are supporting in Bukasa
          The site of the garage sale has changed.  Instead of being at my house in Thousand Oaks, it will be hosted at 4183 Mountain Creek, in Newbury Park.  It is a joint effort with another Bukasa supporter who has offered to donate her time, many items, the driveway/front yard, and all proceeds to Bukasa- a big thank you to the Kenyon family!

          This sale comes at a critical time.  In its present condition the city of Kampala has allowed Ever Increading Children's Center to conduct classes this semester which began June 3rd.  However, in order to remain open for the fall semester (starting late Aug.) and beyond, a new kitchen must be built.  A portion of the funds we generate on July 20th will be put toward rental property near the school to house a temporary kitchen.  This step has been approved by the city with the condition that as funds come in, an adjacent lot to the school be purchased ($8000), and a new kitchen built ($3000).  Timeline is hopefully before the end of the year.
Pastor George- founder of
 Ever Increasing Children's Center, Bukasa
          Your support and donations of both funds/items for garage sales are tremendous encouragements to Pastor George as he makes good on his commitment to the families and children of Bukasa.  Thank you for your partnership in this ministry.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Hope4Kids- A Great Success!

The Hope4Kids event at CLU last Saturday was a great success for raising awareness of foster children in Ventura County.  The organizers hoped for 200 runners and over 400 participated.  Nearly 50 vendors were present, several food trucks were on hand, prizes were raffled off behind a backdrop of music, a silent auction, a huge air slide and bounce house for kids.  It was a great event well supported by the community.
It was also a successful day for Bukasa School.  We earned $300 from selling our crosses (see our Etsy site: etsy.com/shop/iheartbukasa) which will be sent to Pastor George to help with school renovation.  But the best news is finding sponsors for two of the students of Bukasa school.  These sponsorships pay the students' $40 pr/mo tuition which includes all supplies, books, materials, uniform, and daily meal.  The benefit this provides to the children and their families can't be overstated.  The children are assured of uninterrupted school attendance and it relieves parents (in many cases, single moms) of the difficult task of providing for their family's welfare AND trying to pay school fees.  Knowing the average family daily income is $2 USD per day, it's easy to see the impact sponsorships make in the life of a family.  Sponsors Jill/Madison, and Tanya, thank you!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Hope4Kids Event Saturday June 22

Dear Friends-
This weekend I am participating in the Hope4Kids walk/run event held at CLU from 8 am-2 pm.  The event is to raise funds for foster youth in Ventura County.  It is a joint effort between Living Oaks Community Church, Ventura County Human Services Agency, and a variety of community partners.  Monies raised will go directly to assist foster youth in paying for extracurricular activities such as sports equipment, camps, musical instruments, art activities, driver's education courses and more.  Besides the walk/run there will be a silent auction and many raffles at selected vendor booths. 
Rather than being a runner, I will be a vendor under one of the canopies displaying information about Bukasa School (Blythe is on tour with her Agoura youth group).  I'll have our crosses and hearts for sale and will make student sponsorships available to all who are interested.  
I am hoping for huge support for foster youth of our community and look forward to sharing our outreach to Ever Increasing Children's Center in Uganda.  Hope to see you there this Saturday.
Bob and Blythe

Friday, May 31, 2013

New Semester Begins...We Hope!

Dear Friends of Bukasa-  In my last communication with Pastor George he mentioned that the city might close the school if specific building projects have not been completed.  We as yet don't know the final decision from the city.   As the new semester approaches (starting anew June 3) Pastor George explains below some new developments that I wanted to pass on to you.  In addition we are looking for a corporate sponsor that might help support Bukasa on a monthly basis.  If you know of a lead I might follow in this regard, or if interested in sponsoring a child at the school, please contact me.  Thanks again for you continued support and prayers.

Dear Jaja Bobby-
Greetings to you in the mighty name of our lord Jesus Christ, how are you now days? and how is the work of God going on over there, hope you are doing well in Jesus name
we want to thank God for you,  for every thing that you are helping us with, may the good lord Jesus bless you all.
Yes big Ron has communicated to me through email, and he said that  they have sent you Marys help which will be good news to Mary.
No we have not received packages you sent, being that pastor Dongo was in the Us maybe that is the reason  of not getting them in time, i know soon we will receive them.
The city has said that the only way we will remain open is that we need,
1 to register the school with the ministry of education, which can cost us like $500
2 We need need to show them that were in the proses of putting up the kitchen, and also to paint all the classes, and to renovate all the broken chairs and add on other new ones .
Concerning the land and the kitchen , first we need to bay the near by house in which we can construct a kitchen and also the remaining part can work as two classrooms
But only to by this House it will cost us: $8000 this is to bay only  the good thing is that this house has three rooms which can work us classrooms and kitchen.
So the school Bord has suggested that we start with house which we can have a kitchen and two other classes, we will do the rest in  future 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Note From Pastor George

Bukasa Supporters-
Below is the latest note from Pastor George.  They are near the end of the current semester and the deadline from the city regarding improvements completed/the school closing is fast approaching.  We don't know if they will give grace beyond the extension they have already issued.
The kitchen property has been purchased, but construction is yet to begin for lack of funds.  This is the only remaining renovation the city is requesting to be competed for the school to remain open.  The next school term begins June 3.  After reading Pastor George's words would you prayerfully consider being a contributing partner to help complete the kitchen project?  It would be greatly appreciated. You can mail your tax-deductible contribution to:

Project Love International,
5855 Topanga Canyon
Suite 400
Woodland Hills
please write "Bukasa" on the memo line

Thanks in advance for considering this opportunity,

P.S. the loan Pastor refers to in his note is in response to info I sent him regarding a foundation near Kampala offering "micro-loans" to help locals launch small businesses.  Once the $200 micro loan is repaid, the entrepreneur is independent of any outside financial assistance and can continue to provide needed funds for their families.  Business owners are trained by a local volunteer in business practices, banking proceedures, purchasing, accounting, etc.  Apparently he misunderstood and thought the loan might be for school improvements.  So goes the slow progress of communication between USA and Uganda.  I shall try again to clarify but his comment points to his concern about the state of the school and the responsibility he feels for making sure it succeeds.

Pastor's note:

dear Jaja Bobby greatings to you your family plus all our friends and supporters in Jesus name.
I thank you for all that you do to help us mat the lord Jesus Christ bless all of you.
This  week we will sending children home for their holiday ,we thank you so much for your prayers and support.
We have used the money you sent us to pay the teachers salary,and other emidiet needs we had in the school, as we were closing our first term in the school.
kids are coming back to school on 3/6/2013, so that is when the city wants us to be through with the kitchen , so we are praying for Gods provision because we dont want the school to be closed.
So i dont know if you can get same one to give us a loarn as the school this can help, in Uganda it not easy you need to give in the property you have in order to get a loarn like the one you have tolked about finka Uganda has taken meny peoples property.
So dont know hoe we can go through this it is only God who knows.
send my greetings to all.
serving jesus together,
Pastor Kisolo George.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Children Available for Sponsorship

     Since my earlier post in March listing the Bukasa children available for sponsorships, Jane has been sponsored and Joshua has been added. He wasn't included originally because his files were sent in a different format. All the issues are now settled.
Jane Kabasita- age 6, Sponsored!
     If you are interested in sponsoring any one of them please contact me and I would be glad to walk through the simple steps with you. Each monthly donations of $40 supplies the student with tuition, food, uniform, and school supplies. Project Love International will provide you with a year-end receipt.  All donations are tax-deductible.  Thanks in advance for considering this opportunity.  I look forward to hearing from you.

Bashir Mugerwa- age 8
Tumwebaze Namala- age7
Josire Bwire- age 4
Joshua Muwanguzi- age 8
Below is the latest note from Pastor George.  I think you will find it interesting and informative.  He and his board are weighing the options of using current funds to purchase less expensive land outside the community on which to build a new school, or to continue improvements to the existing school.  Either decision has its pros and cons.  Please pray for them as they determine what is best short term/long term. Thanks.

Dear Jaja Boggy,
greetings to to you in the name of our lord Jesus Christ , how are you and how is your ministry & family doing plus all our friends and supporters hope you all do well in Jesus name.
I wanted to let you know that i received the money you sent me, and you told me to work on the improvement on the school but i was suggesting that if we can keep this money until we get the money to buy that behind house were we can build the other two classes and the kitchen. this house is the one behind our church near our current kitchen it can accommodate two big classrooms and the kitchen.
the owner of the house needs to sell it to us and this will be very good to us to build and expand as the city have commanded us, because they told us that comes next term if we don't have the kitchen we will not open the school.
This first term has to end on 3rd May 2013 and the next term has to begin on 3rd Jun 2013. So the city has given us that period to finish up  the kitchen, if were to open up in next term, so we need your prayers we need Gods provision on this issue.
This house is costing $8000, now here is where i need your advise should i keep the $1000 you sent me what can i do?.

NB: There is also a land  which is good, for the school and the hospital play ground  plus every thing we want to do, because it is 5 Acres and it is outside of the Kampala city  it like 35-40 km from Kampala.
you remember when you were here, Big Ron brought an idea that we get land out of the city ,in which we can have enough space for the school, so the land is there and it is cheap
because they want to pay $15000 in all these five Acres, which is as they sell lands these days: this land is cheap, so think about it and let us pray about it we need Gods provision.

I have also attached Joshua photo which you told me about.
Jaja Bobby I want to thank you & all our friends and supporter  from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for all that you do to us, you have done a lot for our community,  and may the lord who sees reword you for that amen.
your brother in the lord Jesus Christ Pastor Kisolo George
serving Jesus together. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Great Success!

          God continues to provide and amaze me with His faithfulness! We had great success at our garage sale on Saturday- our total income was $712!  Added to other miscellaneous donations and additional Missions Fair sales at Living Oaks Community Church, NP, last Friday, we will be sending Pastor George slightly more than $1000.  A big thanks to all who contributed goods, donated money, purchased items at the Missions Fair (and the garage sale), and who continue to pray for God's work in Bukasa.  And a special thanks to Ana Zepeda who came early and helped all day making sales and promoting our cause!
One of the five classrooms
          I will be contacting Project Love to hand off the contributions.  The funds will then be made available to Pastor George as soon as possible this week.  I look forward to his update from Bukasa, and hearing his plan for future improvements and what's next on the list.  I'll keep you posted when I hear from him.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bukasa Garage Sale- Saturday, March 23!

     This Saturday 3/23, 7am-noon, we are hosting our first spring Garage sale to benefit Bukasa School.
A big thank you to all who donated items including the anonymous drop-offs on the driveway!  Every generous donation helps a little one.

We have scheduled "set up" on Friday, 3/22 at 3:00 pm.  Come if you can help.  We need hands to pull items out and arrange everything before the big event.  Normally it takes about 2 hours with 4-5 people pitching in.  No obligation to stay the whole 2 hours but whatever time you can give is appreciated.  Call (805-492-4020) or email (b.d.rhoads@mac.com) to give me a heads-up.

We could always use help Saturday morning to meet, greet, share the cause, and make sales (we rovide home-made banana bread and coffee).  We'd also like to recruit a few helpers in the morning, and a few in the late morning to clean up and make "leftovers" ready for pick-up by ARC on Tues.  Again no obligation to stay all day.

Jane Kabasita- age 6, Sponsored!
Final good news!  We have found a sponsor for one of our 4 students!  We are officially on our way with our sponsorship program, one child at a time.

Thanks again for you continued support and interest in Bukasa.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Student Sponsorships Now Available!

          We have just received the official "green light" from the board of Project Love International for Bukasa Student Sponsorships!  All elements are in place and accounting procedures set up so that we may begin soliciting and accepting sponsors.  Pastor George sent these photos of the first 4 (soon to be 5) students with the greatest need.  I have "Bukasa Student Sponsorship" brochures ready for distribution, each containing a brief history of the school (Ever Increasing Children's Center), photo/info/bio about the needy child, and a form requesting general sponsor info. 
Jane Kabasita- age 6
Bashir Mugerwa- age 8
          If you would like to sponsor one of these children, contact me (b.d.rhoads@mac.com) and I will provide the brochures for you to look through.  Once you have selected your child, completed the form, and mailed the $40 support check to PLI, that child is officially sponsored, meaning: monthly tuition fee paid, daily meal, uniform, and materials all provided!
          As a sponsor, you will receive monthly newsletters/updates with payment envelopes included for your next payment.  Should the child withdraw from the school for any reason, you will be notified and the sponsorship will be terminated.  You will have the option at that time to continue supporting another child if you wish- and it is our hope that you will!  If for any reason you are unable to continue your sponsorship, please notify me ASAP so I can notify Pastor George, and PLI, and search for another sponsor in your place.

Tumwebaze Namala- age 7
          Your sponsorships provide an opportunity for your selected child to get an education and better his/her life and the lives of their family members.  It also provides relief for those families who are making bitter sacrifices to pay for their child's education.  In some cases parents are only able to pay for schooling intermittently.  
Josire Bwire- age 4
         Your sponsorship relieves the financial difficulty for these families as well as greatly helping their children.  Many thanks from us for considering a Bukasa Student Sponsorship!

New Blog Site!

          As you know from our earlier posting Posterous, our current blog site, will be ending their blog hosting duties in April.  We are now making the change to a new site from Blogger.com.  You can now find us at iheartbukasa.blogspot.com.  This site will serve the same purpose: to inform and update you regarding news from Bukasa Village and Ever Increasing Children's Center.  
          To receive notices each time a new blog is posted, simply go to the link above or enter your email address in the bar above and click "submit" and follow the prompts.
Thanks again for your interest in Bukasa!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


     There is much good news coming from Bukasa this month.  Hopefully you know by now that Pastor George and his school/church board have been busy renovating specific buildings on the school property.  These improvements, with a spring 2013 deadline, were mandated by the city of Kampala last June in order for the school to remain open.  One major project included purchasing property, closer to the school, on which to build new latrine facilities.  The previous latrine (only two holes) was inadequate for use by 100 students and more than 6 adult staff.  
New deluxe 4-door latrine!
In my most recent post you saw the latest email/photos from Pastor George showing the completed latrines (now 4 holes!)- and just in time for the start of the new semester.  I also learned, just before Christmas, that the city has given Pastor George an extension on the deadline.  It is not clear how much more time has been awarded but any delay is a good sign, and will insure that the school will not close this spring.

Come join us!
     On the heels of this good news I want to announce the next garage sale date: Saturday, March 23, 7 am-noon.  Please begin collecting items you would like to donate and spread the news to all willing donors.  I’ll contact you in early March about drop-off/pick-up of items you’re willing to give to the cause.  I’ll, again, be asking for helping hands to sort, organize, and sell the day of.  Thanks in advance for your willingness to partner with me on this.  This is our main source of funding for Ever Increasing Children’s Center.  As you can guess by the above note, any support we provide now will further the renovations. more quickly satisfy the city requirements and avoid school closure. NEW BLOG COMING: I just learned this week that the “Posterous” blog site will be closing April 1st.  This host will only be working in a twitter format, so posting/editing blog entries will no longer be an option.  I am exploring new hosts that are FREE, easy, and friendly for both you and me.  I will make this change before the April date and keep you posted. 

     Just yesterday I met with a board member of Project Love International to discuss the possibility of initiating child sponsorships for students of Ever Increasing Children’s Center.  There are both logistic and legal issues to sort through, make decisions about, and prepare in advance of this offering.  However, things look promising and I hope, in the near future, to be able to offer you the opportunity to sponsor a student at Bukasa School. This has been a long time goal of Pastor George, his staff, and myself.    
     In the busyness and comfort of our own lives it’s sobering to remember that mothers and fathers in Bukasa, half a world away, want the very things that we want: to raise healthy children, and give them a secure future.  The BIG difference is that we have the means and opportunity to make that happen.  They, without your contributions and support, have neither.  Thanks again for your partnership in this adventure- it’s more important than you know.