Saturday, September 28, 2013

Three Important News Items!

News item #1-
          We have five new students (3 boys, 2 girls) available for sponsorship!  Please spread the word and feel free to share this among friends and family.  Others you know may want to contribute to a worthy cause but not know how or where to donate.  An endorsement from someone they know and trust may be just the encouragement they need to participate!  Contact me at and a sponsorship can begin right away!
Miiya Tendo - age 4
Joseph Mukisa -age 5
Odoki Simon -age 6
Arthur Sanyu =age 6
Jovia Kirungi -age 3
          Joseph, Arthur and Jovia are children of pastors serving with Pastor George at Ever Increasing Miracle Church in Bukasa.  Because of low income the pastors cannot afford school tuition.  
          Miiya and Odoki's fathers have abandoned their families.  Their mothers' small business income barely provides for basic needs.
          A great way to engage in Kingdom work is to show God's love as a child sponsor.  Thank you in advance for considering this opportunity.  
News item #2-
          We are currently working on adding an online donation button to our blog page.  A few logistical issues need to be worked out first between Project Love International and PayPal (verifying PLI's non-profit status, linking bank numbers/accounts).  After this is completed, the donation link will be active.  Donors' $40 monthly sponsorship can be paid via a PayPal account or with any major credit card.
          I'm not sure the "Donation" button will appear on email postings, such as this, but it will be on the blog site.  If it doesn't appear in future postings, go to  Click "Donate" and follow the prompts.  We'll announce when the button is active- we hope it's soon.

News Item #3-
          Our next Bukasa Garage Sale will take place, in my front yard, on Saturday, October 19 from 7 am-noon at 838 Silver Cloud St. TO.  If you have goods to donate contact me at 805-492-4020 to make arrangements for pick-up or delivery.  If you are willing and able to help, we will be setting up on Friday, 10/18 from 3-5 pm.  We also need help on Saturday morning with selling, talking with people about our cause, and making contact with potential supporters.  Clean up begins Sat. at noon.  All help  is gratefully accepted.  
As always, we appreciate your support and your heart for Bukasa School.