Tuesday, December 9, 2014

End-of-Year Update-

         As 2014 ends we want to thank you for your love and support of the students of Ever Increasing Children’s Center.  Your faithful giving provides opportunities these children would never have without your partnership.  Besides academics and a daily meal, students are taught truth and wisdom from God’s word- the best of all ways to prepare them for the "life challenges" that lie ahead.  
The school year has officially ended.  Pastor George sent us photos of the Top Class “graduation” celebration.  This officially identifies them as P-1 (1st gr.) students, moving from the nursery section into the primary section starting February, 2015.  School officials are continuing to ask God for the funds to purchase more buildings in hopes of expanding and offering the full compliment of grades P-1 through P-7 in the near future.  
       With your continued prayers and support we look forward to another successful year in the history of Bukasa School.

Bob, Deanne, and Blythe

If you would like to partner with us in support of Ever Increasing Children's Center please send your check to:
Project Love International
5855 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Ste 400
Woodland Hills, CA 91367-4621
Note "Bukasa" on the memo line

You can also donate using a secure credit card transaction by clicking the "donate" button below.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Celebrate and Challenge!

In late September I mentioned that Pastor George has an opportunity to expand his school by purchasing adjacent buildings from a local landowner.  The owner is willing to sell his 4 properties for $20,000.  If the plots are purchased separately, each would cost $8000.  The savings of purchasing them all together is huge.
In August iheartBukasa submitted a grant proposal to Kingdom Investment Foundation of Tucson, Az, for $8500.  If these funds are granted Pastor George could either finish his current project, the upper level classroom/office/latrine, or apply the amount to the purchase of the property.
Celebrate with us!  Just today I heard from KIF that they have awarded us the full $8500!  The funds will be transferred to our Project Love International account sometime in late December, and we will then send them on to Pastor George.
The grant committee chairman called to fill me in on the details of the award process.  She told me that at the end of their meeting iheartBukasa was awarded $7000.  One of the women on the selection team was so touched by Pastor George's mission, the purpose of the school, and need described in the grant proposal that she offered to make up the difference between what was awarded and what was needed.  With her generosity the final result was that we received every dollar of the $8500 that we requested!  We are grateful to KIF, for their love for God, their hearts for missions, and their partnership with Pastor George.  And we are grateful for the Lord's bounty and favor on Ever Increasing Children's Center.
Now with our grant and recent garage sale earnings we have raised $9800 toward the purchase price of all 4 properties. Would you consider giving a gift to help us raise $10,200 to reach our $20,000 goal?  Any amount is appreciated and every dollar is significant.  All donations are tax deductible and you will receive end-of-year statements in time for tax season.  You will be partnering with God's work in a remote little village thousands of miles away.  You will be helping to provide more classrooms, more students will receive Biblical instruction, and you will be changing the lives of children and families.  Thank you for your prayerful consideration of this challenge.  Thanks in advance for your support.  God's blessings to you all.

If you would like to help us meet our $20,000 goal please send your check to:
Project Love International
5855 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Ste 400
Woodland Hills, CA 91367-4621
Note "property challenge" on the memo line

You can also donate using a secure credit card transaction by clicking the "donate" button below.

2 two-story buildings

2 single story buildings

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Pastor George's New Rental

Just wanted to give you an update on Pastor George and the new house he and his family are renting. It is much newer and roomier than his old rental and is closer to the church. Margaret is especially happy with the move because the house not only looks beautiful but it also has a latrine and a kitchen inside!  Thank you again for your support which made their relocation possible.  Thanks too for your continued prayers.

Old rental (under tree).  Latrine (far left),
hen house, main house with outdoor kitchen.

New rental.  Inside latrine and kitchen.

If you would like to partner with us in the ongoing work of Bukasa School please donate to:

Project Love International
5855 Topanga Canyon Blvd. Ste 400
Woodland Hills, CA 91367-4621

Include “Bukasa” on the memo line.

You can also donate using a secure credit card transaction by clicking the "donate" button below.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Garage Sale Successful!

We held our Bukasa garage sale last Saturday.  Many of the items and much of the furniture offered was Deanne's dad's, he passed away on September 20th.  He was very supportive of our Bukasa ministry and would have been please that he could benefit our worthy cause even to the very end.  In fact, he was one of our first supporters to sponsor a student.  A few weeks before his death he made sure to let me know that he wanted to continue the sponsorship for another year- thank you Papa George!
So, for the 30th time, we filled up the front yard and driveway with donated items and set our goal of earning at least $1000.  With the slow strart and, as it turned out, a slow day we were unsure whether we would make more than $500.  But the Lord is faithful to this ministry, as He has shown all along, and we ended up at noon with $870!  We still have a recliner, a dresser, and assorted original framed art  pieces to sell on Craig's List, so the final amount could be significantly more.  All funds will go toward helping Pastor George finish his goal of completing the second story classroom, office, and latrine.
Just wanted to share our good news with you and thank you for your donations, contributions, encouragement and prayers.
A special thanks to Michael and Susan Barrett, and Sophia Beccue who helped set up on Friday; to Anna Zepeda who helped sell all morning; and to Phil Beccue who happily volunteered some time selling, then came back at the end of the day to clean-up and pack away all the left-overs.  Many thanks to all!

If you would like to be a partner in the ongoing work of Bukasa School please donate to:






You can also donate using a secure credit card transaction by clicking the "donate" button below.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Rent Covered/Garage Sale Sat, Oct.18

Dear Supporters-
          As you know from my last posting Pastor George and his family were renting a house in the village which was sold recently by the owner.  Another property was located but a deposit of 3 months rent was required to move in.  The good news is, because of your on-going loyalty and generous support we were able to provide funds for the students you sponsor as well as to help Pastor George with the rental deposit.  Thank you so much!
          Saturday October 18, is our next garage sale.  We need your  helping hands to set up on Friday, 10/17, from 1-4 pm.  And if you are available on Saturday, we could use your help in selling items, promoting our cause for Bukasa School, and cleaning up afterwards.  Plus we would enjoy hanging out with you- we'll provide the coffee and banana bread!  The sale will run from 7 am-12 noon.  We will welcome any amount of time you can offer.  Call me with any questions: 805-492-4020.
If you would like to be a partner in the ongoing work of Bukasa School please donate to:

Project Love International
5855 Topanga Canyon Blvd. Ste 400
Woodland Hills, CA 91367-4621

You can also donate using a secure credit card transaction by clicking the "donate" button below.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


I just received news from Pastor George about his living situation.  The house he is currently renting has been sold and the new owners have given him until October 31 to move out.  In Uganda, when acquiring rental property, three months rent is required up front.  To Pastor George, this cost will amount to $700.  Can you help in some small way with a donation of $10-$100 to help make this move possible?  If the Holy Spirit is nudging you please send your tax-deductible contribution to:
Project Love International
5855 Topanga Canyon
Suite 400 
Woodland Hills, CA

You can also donate using a secure credit card transaction by clicking the "donate" button below.


Monday, September 29, 2014

Property For Sale!

     Pastor George emailed this week explaining a new and exciting opportunity for Ever Increasing Children’s Center.  A local landowner has listed four properties for sale in the village for $20K.  Each of the concrete buildings adjoin the school property and can be easily transformed into classrooms (see photos).    
     Currently the school only offers Baby class (age 3) through P-2 (age 7).  One of Pastor George’s goals has always been to provide grades from Baby class through P-7 (age 12).  Doing so would ensure consistency and enable students to complete their primary education in Bukasa Village.
We have a tremendous opportunity before us. Would you prayerfully consider joining us in our fund-raising efforts to help Pastor George purchase these properties?  We hope to raise all necessary funds by February 1st, before the start of their new school year.  All donations, large and small, are greatly appreciated!  We trust the Lord’s provision for EICC and are always mindful of and grateful for your partnership with us.

Your contributions are the life-blood of this ministry and your  generosity positively impacts hundreds of lives in Bukasa Village.  Thank you. 
Please mark “property fund” on the memo line and mail your tax-deductible contribution to: 

Project Love International
5855 Topanga Canyon
Suite 400 
Woodland Hills, CA

You can also donate using a secure credit card transaction by clicking the "donate" button below.

Two 2-story buildings

One of the single-story buildings

Monday, July 21, 2014

Home From Africa!

Prep for painting at the high school
Dear Friends and Supporters-
     We just arrived home from our two weeks in Africa.  We had a great experience with family and connecting with new and old Bukasa friends during our time there.
     God Cares Primary and High Schools, run by Pastor Dongo, was our focus the first week.  We helped with painting the fourth level hallways of the high school, photographed over 300 students so current snapshots could be sent to their sponsors, led morning chapel for 700+ students at the primary school, and encouraged and prayed with students and staff.
Painting baby class at Ever Increasing Children's Center


 The highlight of our trip was spending 5 days in Bukasa with Pastor George, his family, and his church members.  We were able to complete 3 major requests that Pastor George asked of us:

1.) we viewed/toured/painted the newly completed classrooms, kitchen, and store-room, and got a chance to hear about the future projects Pastor George has planned.  The school now accommodates baby class (age 3), middle class (age 4), top class (age 5), P-1 (age 6), and P-2 (age 7) for a total of 120 students.  His future plans include building additional classrooms so schooling can be provided for students moving into P-4, P-5, and P-6.
Touring classrrom below w/ future office above
Viewing new construction and future office

2.) we photographed all students providing a visual connection for potential sponsors. (Sponsorship funds not only provide tuition for a child but also go toward paying teacher salaries and supporting many of the monthly operational costs of the school.)
Photographing 120 Bukasa students
One tired photographer
3.) we helped facilitate an all-day micro-loan seminar for prospective entrepreneurs.  The attendees were grouped into 4 groups of 8 members, each group selecting a leader and secretary.  Two members of each group were provided loans of $100 each (with a viable business plan) for 6 months, at 9% interest.  When those members make their first monthly installment, the next member of their group receives a loan.  Each successive member is given a loan as long as all group accounts are current.  If any member is unable to repay, their fellow members provide support, encouragement, help, etc. in making the necessary payment.  Instead of collateral, personal initiative and peer pressure are the powerful catalysts used to insure success of the program.  Identical programs offered by our host organization in similar areas experience a 99% repayment record.
Discussing business plans with loan recipients  
      We would love to connect with each of you personally and share more details of our trip.  Until then, please accept this brief overview along with our sincere thanks for your continued support.  You are positively impacting lives of grateful and gracious people in ways that are almost indescribable.
     Pastor George has asked me to thank you in advance for your prayers for success of the micro-loan seminar and for the future growth of the school.

Your donations to Bukasa's Ever Increasing Children's Center are much appreciated.  If you would like to partner with us in this worthy cause please mail your support to:


You can also donate via a secure credit card transaction by clicking the "donate" button below.

Friday, July 11, 2014

On Safari!

Almost finished with our work in Bukasa- now heading for safari! God has been faithful in helping us accomplish all requests from Pastor George: photos of students for potential sponsorships, micro-loan seminar, encouraging church members, praying with families, viewing new construction, and assessing future needs. 
We had a fun day with P Geo and Margaret at Gaba. We ate fresh fish from Lake Victoria and took a boat ride. Back to Bukasa Sunday eve then fly to Dubai on Monday morning. Thanks for your prayers. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Life in Bukasa

Have now spent three days in Bukasa Village with Pastor George and his church family. These are gracious, loving, welcoming people who love God with joy and enthusiasm. We've seen all the new construction- new 
new classrooms, and the future location of Pastor George's office. I can't wait to report to you, after seeing firsthand, what your time, money and sacrifice has provided. So grateful for your prayers and support. Have three more days in Bukasa then off to Safari.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Arrived safely in Uganda

Pastor George picked us up from the airport (pictured). Have worked God Cares School the past three days. We painted at the high school, conducted chapel at the primary school, and Deanne and Lynda led women's Bible study at Pastor Dongo's church. We will be in Bukasa Village starting Saturday.  Internet access is hard to come by. Will contact you when we next can.     Thanks for your prayers and support.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Three days and counting!

We leave for Uganda soon! We'll send photos and updates of our work listed on our previous post. One thing we are especially looking forward to is seeing the children, and helping to paint the new construction in Bukasa Village (pictured). Thanks for your support and prayers. 
Team Bukasa

Friday, March 28, 2014

Bukasa Village-Summer Mission 2014

          I know this is a bit early but we wanted to give you a heads-up about our summer trip to Uganda.
This summer our team of 6, the Rhoads and Howland families, will be traveling to Bukasa Village in Uganda, Africa.  Our mission has several goals:

A day in class
~ check the progress of and help paint the newly completed kitchen
   and classroom facilities at Ever Increasing Children’s Center
~ assess on-going needs of the school
~ photograph and catalogue students for potential sponsorships
~ facilitate women’s Bible study
~ renew friendships that Blythe and Bob made while there in
   2008, 2009, 2012 
~ complete projects and make friendships at God Cares Primary
    School and GCHS
~ share the Gospel
~ build relationships with children           
          Pastor George has also asked us to help him host a micro-loan seminar for village entrepreneurs during our stay.  Toward that end we are partnering with a successful micro-loan organization near Kampala called Buseesa Community Development Center (BCDC www.bcdcmicrocredit.org) with a 99% re-payment record.  The director and his team will make the 4-6 hour journey to conduct an all-day seminar, explain the program, and solicit Bukasa organizers for training.  Eventually Bukasa will be equipped to launch their own micro-loan program. Once start-up funds are provided a successful program is self-sustaining.              
          Would you consider joining us in our goal to help Bukasa gather the start-up funds and launch a successful micro-loan program?  Initial administrative costs and start-up cash needed is $1000.  Providing funds for twenty borrowers @ $100 each is $2000. Travel, time/effort, and a small donation to BCDC for conducting the seminar is $500.  Our total need is $3500.  By contributing to our effort you will have helped provide villagers with a chance to become financially independent, provide education for their children, and improve their living conditions.  Thank you in advance for prayerfully considering your part in our Bukasa Summer Mission. 
Serving the Lord together,
Bob, Deanne, and Blythe Rhoads
Young entrepreneur

Your donations to Bukasa's Micro-Loan Program Launch are much appreciated.  If you would like to be a partner in this worthy cause please mail your support to:

Mark "Summer Mission" on the memo line.

You can also donate via a secure credit card transaction by clicking the "donate" button below.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

New School Year Begins on Time!

Dear Friends-
With funds from the KIF Grant and from our online Indiegogo Campaign, Pastor George was able to add two classrooms, a new kitchen, and an office/ storage room and open the school on time!  I thought you might enjoy reading a recent letter from him (below) providing additional details.
As he mentions, we are in the early stages of planning a trip to Africa this summer- June 28-July 8, cost $3000. We would love you to join us.  We will spend about 4 days in Bukasa helping with a variety of tasks, several days at nearby God Cares School in Kampala, one day visiting the high school, and several days ministring in neighboring villages. If interested please contact me right away.

Dear Jaja Bobby,
Greetings to you and all our friends and supporters, in the name of our lord Jesus Christ.
I want to say thank you for your care and support, your reword is with the lord Jesus Christ, we are trying our best to see that on Monday, we will be able to start or to open the school, but we still have much to do before we open the school on Monday.
Yes i got the money you sent $4000 which we are using to see that we cover up every thing before the kids comes back to school on Monday.
the city have told us, that they will be coming on Monday to inspect the building, and to see how we have prepared to start, we have done at list free quoters of the all work so pray for us that we finish up the remaining quoter before Monday.
I have send you the photos of the new buildings we are building, this include the kitchen & two classes plus the store, the work is bigger that we estimated so pray for us that we complete the project.
send my greetings to every one over there, we love and we pray for all of you.
You talked  about coming in July this year, are still working on it? for us we are waiting to have you as our visitors in July, i was talking  with pastor Dong about your coming, and he was advising that you can come as a group, and we will be able to host you, the kids here and all the church would like to see you face to face, so pleas do come this year, and you will be able to see what we have done in the church also at the school a lot have changed both in school and the church all because of your help,
God bless you all.
your brother in Christ:
Pastor Kisolo George.        

  Thanks for your continued prayers and support of Bukasa School.

Your donations are essential to the life of Ever Increasing Children's Center.  If you would like to be a partner in the ongoing work of Bukasa School please mail your support to:


You can also donate via a secure credit card transaction by clicking the "donate" button below.


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Kitchen Construction Begins

          Several weeks ago we were able to send Pastor George the grant money awarded in late November.  He has now purchased the land and is beginning construction of the kitchen and the two new classrooms.  Funds are still needed to purchase the remainder of the materials and hire the labor.
          The new school semester begins early February and PG hopes to have at least the kitchen completed so the school can launch into the new year uninterrupted.  We are hoping the city of Kampala will allow construction of the classrooms to proceed while the school is in progress then occupied when completed.  On that part we have no official word as yet.  Thanks for your continued prayers and support for Bukasa School.


If you would like to be a partner in the ongoing work of Bukasa School please donate to:


You can also donate using a secure credit card transaction by clicking the "donate" button below.

Kitchen foundation laid
The walls begin

Level at 5 feet